Thai Man Completely Models His Life After Vin Diesel’s “Fast and Furious” Character

Movies can have a profound effect on people. They can inspire us, move us, educate us, and expose us to new worlds, stories, and characters we never would have encountered in our everyday lives. Then there are individuals whom a movie can completely revolutionize one’s identity.
Meet Arthit Duansri, aka “Thai Vin Diesel.” Arthit resides in Chiang Rai, Thailand where he is known for remodeling his entire lifestyle based on the actor’s Fast & Furious character, Dom Toretto. From his shaved head, cross necklace, muscle shirts, stoic expression, down to his modified Toyota Mark II meant to closely resemble Diesel’s iconic 1970 Dodge Charger R/T.
The 38-year-old business owner was inspired to look like Vin Diesel when he was working as a dancer and was told that he resembled the actor. Already a big fan at the time, Arthit when full-throttle and never looked back.
Some may find Arthit’s obsession with Vin Diesel a bit much, but he doesn’t regret it one bit. “I no longer have social anxiety because I’m more active and confident,” says Arthit. “I don’t shy away from the world anymore.”
Other than running his business and perfecting his Vin Diesel physique, Arthit’s dream is to one day meet the actor in person to tell him how much he loves him. Until that day comes, he will continue to bask in the glow of being a local celebrity in Chiang Rai.
Perhaps Arthit’s dream of meeting Vin Diesel will come true. After all, family is everything.