The Stopping Power You Need without the Dust

With drilled and slotted rotors and carbon fiber/ceramic pads, Power Stop Z26 Street Warrior Brake Kits have the stopping power needed to haul your high performance ride to a quick, safe stop. What’s more, the pads’ low-dust formula keep your wheels clean so you can spend more time driving and less timing cleaning. These kits come with everything you need for an easy installation, including pads, rotors and stainless steel hardware.
Custom-Made Performance at an Off-the-Shelf Price

ICON’s FHR Series pistons for GM LS engines give you the benefits of a custom-made forged piston at an affordable, off-the-shelf price. FHR stands for Formed Head Relief, a process where the valve reliefs are formed as the piston blank is pressed into the die, creating a strong, light forging. Many domed headsare solid, which allows ICON to tailor the dome height for specific compression ratios. You can get ICON FHR Series Pistons with or without a matching ring set.
Plus, Piston Primer: How to Properly Install Pistons
You’ve seen it—somebody trying to install pistons and ending up with pinched or broken piston rings or so much oil in the bore their shoes are drenched. It doesn’t have to be that way if you use the easy-to-follow procedure outlined in the photo captions. Happy piston installin’! Read more piston tech from Summit Racing.