Man Lucky to be Alive After Avoiding Boulder That Crushed His Car

If there was a moment that would make you count your blessings, nearly escaping a falling boulder would rank pretty high up there.
A man in Malibu, CA is lucky to be alive after he was moments away from a boulder that fell off a hillside onto his Toyota Prius.
The car’s owner, Mauricio Hanao, told KTLA that he was sitting in the driver’s seat before he left to take a phone call. Moments later, rocks and boulders began falling off the hill where he was parked. Soon, his Prius was completely crushed after a 4-foot boulder fell through the roof.
“I just heard loud crashes,” Henao told KTLA. “And I ran out and saw my car just crushed.”
A car parked near Henao, as well as owners parked across the street from the hill, say their cars received damage from the falling rocks as well.
While Henao isn’t angry over his car, he says the incident has him shaken up after realizing that it was a phone call that saved his life that day.
Driver emerges unscathed after boulder crushes his car in Malibu
— KCAL News (@CBSLA) January 12, 2023