Man Mistakes Gas For Brake and SPEEDS Through Car Wash

Unfortunately this is a common problem in the world today. Someone accidentally mistakes the gas pedal for the brake which results in terrible accidents and just outrageous situations. Sometimes people get confused and don’t understand that they have their foot on the gas. This is why when these things happen usually the driver will say something like “my brakes failed!”

This video is just crazy! It shows a white car headed into a car wash but then it becomes apparent pretty fast that this car is not slowing down anytime soon and is driving full speed ahead! The video then changes from multiple camera angles and you see the absolute destruction that this driver is causing to this car wash and its equipment. The car eventually only stops because it crashes into a wall at the end of the parking lot or some other type of barrier. Apparently the driver was a 94 year old man who unfortunately caused $100,000 in damages! Whoa! Talk about a bad day for everyone involved! What do you think was going on here? Do you have any thoughts or opinions about this? Let us know in the comments what you think about it and for more videos stay tuned on!

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