How To Mock Up A Bumper

When starting a build, sometimes it’s smart to mock up your work to see the design beforehand and have a game plan. Jeremy is going to run through how to mock up a front bumper.

You may not have a bender in your home shop but if you run to your local home improvement store you can pick up electrical conduit which is super cheap and thin so you can bend it over your knee and get your final design. If you do have a bender available, tighten the die down after each pass to increase the radius. Go slowly to make sure you don’t over bend the piece.

When you have the basic shape you want, see how it looks on your vehicle. Jack stands are one of the best tools to have around for mockup purposes. Most people already own a set, they’re completely adjustable, and they can hold just about anything you need them too.

Next up for the mock-up on the Pre-Runner is to find out what lights to install – round lights or a light bar. Rather than buying both sets and only using one, you can use cardboard to see which you prefer. Taking a 6″ sanding disk, trace a template onto the cardboard. Also make a template of what the light bar might look like.

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